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Work zone speed camera to rotate through Washington highway projects

Work zone speed camera to rotate through Washington highway projects

Starting in late February, a work zone speed camera mounted on a trailer will rotate through active work zones across Washington.

The Work Zone Speed Camera Program aims to reduce speeding in active road construction, maintenance, and emergency zones across the state.

Signs will tell drivers the speed limit and warn them that a work zone speed camera is actively recording their speed.

RELATED | New Washington state law requires speed cameras in highway work zones

If a vehicle travels over the posted speed limit, the camera will take pictures of it and its license plate. It will also collect related data such as the vehicle’s speed, location, date, and time.

The information will then go to the Washington State Patrol (WSP), which will review the photos and data captured by the speed camera. If WSP determines the driver was speeding, the vehicle’s registered owner will be mailed a notice of infraction within 30 days.

The camera will only record when workers are at a job site, and signs will be in place to warn drivers when a work zone has an active camera.

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) said speeding is one of the top causes of work zone crashes and threatens both workers and drivers.

“It’s not just a nameless faceless person that’s out there, these are people that have a story, they want to get home safe at the end of the day,” said Aisha Dayal with WSDOT.

The number of fatal crashes in work zones doubled in 2023 compared to 2022 with ten fatal crashes, according to WSDOT.

Learn more about the program at this link.

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